
8 simple tips for boosting creativity

Sometimes creativity glides effortlessly from pen the paper, paintbrush to canvas, brain to blog, without us having to think twice. Other times, it can be as successful as collecting water with a fork. Here are a few ways I encourage a natural burst of creative energy. Read now, or bookmark for when you need some top tips for creativity.

1. Get outside

The first thing I ask myself when I’m feeling creatively blocked or demotivated; when was the last time you saw the sea? Living ten minutes from the beach, this is a pretty easy problem to solve if the answer is “ages ago”.

Nothing attracts inspiration more than the great outdoors. There’s tons of research out there that links spending time in nature with mental wellness, improved attention span and concentration. It doesn’t have to be the sea. Even taking half an hour away from your work space to sit in the garden with a cup of tea could do the trick.

If you’re looking for inspiring walks in Cornwall to get the creative juices flowing, take a look at my recommendations here.

2. Listen to podcasts

Whatever your job, hobby or interest is, you can guarantee someone has created a podcast on the topic. Sometimes we can get way too in our own heads, and it’s time to hear a new perspective. Podcasts are a fantastic way to switch off from your own voice and tune into new ideas. You’ll be surprised what other people’s enthusiasm can do for your own.

3. Talk and share ideas

A problem shared is a problem halved. If a podcast just isn’t cutting it, nothing beats a natter with a friend, colleague or fellow creative. Some of the best ideas are born from that unsuspecting conversation or nugget of wisdom from an unlikely source. It might just take a bit of talking to extract that burning game-changer from your brain.

4. Journal

Journaling is such a great tool for releasing creativity, whether your brain is swarming with a tangled mess of ideas that need organising, or you’re at a loss for where to start. There are so many ways to get started.

Clear the deck with a brain dump and get all the worries and concerns out of your head and on your paper. Jot your main idea or goal in the middle of the page and spider off with possible ways to achieve what you want. You can even do a quick Google of ‘journaling prompts‘ and find something to get you started that way.

It doesn’t have to be perfect. You don’t even need to read back what you’ve written/drawn/created. Every blog post on this website started as scribbles on a piece of paper.

5. Keep things organised

Life is chaotic. If you’re trying to get in the zone but can’t, sometimes the best thing you can do is look at your surroundings.

Are you distracted by a pile of dishes in the sink? Does your email inbox need clearing? Is it nearly lunchtime? Try giving yourself some breathing space by ticking off some of your more mundane tasks, and make sure you’re looking after your needs. You can’t pour from an empty glass.

6. Measure success

We all need some positive reassurance from time to time. If you’re stuck in a rut, one of my top tips for creativity is measuring success. Take a pause and reflect on past projects, work or achievements. Give credit where credit is due. This gives you time to step away from the thing you’ve been focusing on so intently, so you can see the bigger picture. Hard work always pays off, so celebrate those small wins and remind yourself what it’s all for.

7. The right playlist

Never underestimate the power of a perfectly put together playlist. I have playlists for many different occasions, and motivation is definitely one. Whatever your musical taste, take time to put together a list of your fave tunes that jolt you out of the self-doubt spiral and fill you with all the confidence for world domination!

8. Be ready for when inspiration strikes

Sometimes, none of the above is needed. When the unformidable force of creative energy randomly strikes – often inconveniently timed (when trying to sleep, in the shower etc.) – make sure you’re prepared to harvest the goods.

It always pays to have a notepad and pen handy to jot down any musings or bright ideas. Or, if you’re more tech minded, man’s best friend – the iPhone – will do the job too. You could even record a voice note for future you to listen back to.


Alongside these top tips for creativity, there are a few things that can demotivate and dishearten me very easily that I’d recommend limiting or completely avoiding altogether.

  • Comparing yourself to others
  • Spending too much time on social media – if I find myself serial scrolling, I use the 20 minute rule. Put a timer on for 20 minutes where you must do nothing but concentrate on the task at hand. Then you can have 20 minutes on your phone. By the second or third time round, I find I don’t want to look at my phone anymore.
  • Neglecting your needs (exercise, diet, social interaction) – check in with yourself
  • Working in a messy environment
  • Giving in to imposter syndrome – this one still takes daily work for me, but breaking free of negative thinking patterns is so important.

What are your tips for creativity? Share them in the comments below, or follow me on social media for more on this topic, as well as the highlights from my Cornish lifestyle blog.

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